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Katherine Angeline O’Marra (BL) and Mary Louise Acton (BR) with family members
Robert LeRoy Sorrell
Mary Zole O’Marra Gibson
 Wiles, Kathryn O’Marra and
 Unknown (Back LTR) Timothy K. O’Marra, Shawn
 O’Marra Gibson and Unknown
 (Front LTR)
Mary Louise Acton O’Marra
Robert L. Sorrell
Julia Acton O’Marra Davis
Mary O’Marra (BL), Patrick
 O’ Marra (BR), Mary Louise
 Acton O’Marra (FL) and
 Cornelious O’Marra (FR)
DeeDee Waiuwright
Cecilea Lafaure Doud (BL),
 LeRoy E. Doud (BR), Gracie
 Myrtle Doud (FL) and Zoe Marie Doud (FR)
Charles Richard Rhodd
 and Helen Acton Rhodd (LTR)
Leroy Stimmel (Second from the left)
Angeline Belair Acton Moore
Acton Banner